HYDRA 5, 7, or 9?
The Hydra Ride is for all abilities. Whether you choose Hydra 5, 7, or 9; all routes roll and wind through stunning countryside with challenging climbs and swift descents. Check out the details below to decide which is for you. ENJOY THE RIDE >
Distance 55k / Climb 540m
For entry-level riders. Aldbourne up to Baydon, Hatchett Hill and the final hump through Hodson add some challenge - max. gradient 10%.
The button below links to RideWithGPS where you can get full route information for The Hydra 5 including GPS download.
Distance 72k / Climb 730m
For mid-level riders. More distance, more climbing and more testing descents. Lambourne to Ashbury adds rolling and winding terrain.
The button below links to RideWithGPS where you can get full route information for The Hydra 7 including GPS download.
Distance 91k / Climb 1,040m
For upper-level riders. Includes Blowingstone Hill at 18%+ and the rewarding Dragon Hill climb. Also an infernal loop at the furthest point.
The button below links to RideWithGPS where you can get full route information for The Hydra 9 including GPS download.


HYDRA 5 >> START / Wood Street / left onto Devizes Road / left at mini-roundabout onto Newport Street / straight over mini-roundabout / right at mini-roundabout onto Marlborough Road / straight at mini-roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / Straight at Pipers roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / straight at mini-roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / 4th exit at Coate roundabout onto A4259 // as exiting roundabout get into outside lane and use filter right / turn right onto Day House Lane / continue on Meadow Way / continue on Medbourne Lane / turn left on Medbourne Lane signpost Badbury // gentle climb up through Badbury turning left onto single track lane – 1.3k, 49m, max. grad. 6% / turn left onto The Ridgeway // views start / turn right onto B4192 signpost Aldbourne // tree-lined rolling road leading to open straight to Aldbourne / left onto South Street signpost Lambourn, Baydon / continue on Aldbourne Road // climb out of Aldbourne flattening before another push up to Baydon – 2.6k, 102m, max. grad. 8% / right onto Baydon Road signpost Lambourn / left onto Baydon Road // long gradual descent into Lambourne / left onto B4000 signpost Upper Lambourne // once out of Lambourne long open straights through countryside before a swift descent into Ashbury, careful not to overshoot the turn / left onto High Street / continue on Chapel Road / continue on Idstone Road / continue on Icknield Way through Bishopstone / continue onto Hinton Springs / continue onto Hinton Hill / turn left up Hatchett Hill // a decent climb at 1.7k, 86m, max. grad. 10% / continue straight at the Foxhill junction / slight rise up to B4192 / continue straight across onto The Ridgeway // rolling section descending to a good run out / straight over A346 / right onto Draycott Road / straight over mini-roundabout onto New Road / continue on Hodson Road / continue on B4005 / turn right onto Broome Manor Lane, signpost Hodson // sharp blind drop, short steep climb, then tight switchback / continue along Broome Manor Lane / 1st exit straight on at roundabout onto Marlborough Road / 3rd exit straight on at Pipers roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / straight at mini-roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / 2nd exit straight at mini-roundabout onto High Street / left onto Wood Street / FINISH <<
HYDRA 7 >> START / Wood Street / left onto Devizes Road / left at mini-roundabout onto Newport Street / straight over mini-roundabout / right at mini-roundabout onto Marlborough Road / straight at mini-roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / Straight at Pipers roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / straight at mini-roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / 4th exit at Coate roundabout onto A4259 // as exiting roundabout get into outside lane and use filter right / turn right onto Day House Lane / continue on Meadow Way / continue on Medbourne Lane / turn left on Medbourne Lane signpost Badbury // gentle climb up through Badbury turning left onto single track lane – 1.3k, 49m, max. grad. 6% / turn left onto The Ridgeway // views start / turn right onto B4192 signpost Aldbourne // tree-lined rolling road leading to open straight to Aldbourne / continue through Aldbourne on B4192 / continue on B4192 through Wittonditch / turn right signpost Eastridge // gentle climb along country lane – 1.8k, 69m, max 7% / cross Ermin Street onto B4000 signpost Lambourn / turn left signpost Lambourn // long sweeping descent into Lambourn / cross straight over junction onto Oxford Street, B4001 / continue on B4001, Wantage Road // gentle climb up onto gallops – 2.4k, 76m. max. grad. 4% // long sweeping descent / follow B4001 round bend signpost Wantage / turn left onto B4507, signpost Ashbury // rolling, winding road, tree lined and open downs sections / continue on B4507 to Ashbury / cross B4000 onto High Street, signpost Idstone / continue through Ashbury on Chapel Road / continue on Idstone Road / continue on Icknield Way through Bishopstone / continue onto Hinton Springs / continue onto Hinton Hill / turn left up Hatchett Hill // a decent climb at 1.7k, 86m, max. grad. 10% / continue straight at the Foxhill junction / slight rise up to B4192 / continue straight across onto The Ridgeway // rolling section descending to a good run out / straight over A346 / right onto Draycott Road / straight over mini-roundabout onto New Road / continue on Hodson Road / continue on B4005 / turn right onto Broome Manor Lane, signpost Hodson // sharp blind drop, short steep climb, then tight switchback / continue along Broome Manor Lane / 1st exit straight on at roundabout onto Marlborough Road / 3rd exit straight on at Pipers roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / straight at mini-roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / 2nd exit straight at mini-roundabout onto High Street / left onto Wood Street / FINISH <<
HYDRA 9 >> START / Wood Street / left onto Devizes Road / left at mini-roundabout onto Newport Street / straight over mini-roundabout / right at mini-roundabout onto Marlborough Road / straight at mini-roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / Straight at Pipers roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / straight at mini-roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / 4th exit at Coate roundabout onto A4259 // as exiting roundabout get into outside lane and use filter right / turn right onto Day House Lane / continue on Meadow Way / continue on Medbourne Lane / turn left on Medbourne Lane signpost Badbury // gentle climb up through Badbury turning left onto single track lane – 1.3k, 49m, max. grad. 6% / turn left / turn right onto B4192 signpost Aldbourne // tree-lined rolling road leading to open straight to Aldbourne / continue through Aldbourne on B4192 / continue on B4192 through Wittonditch / turn right signpost Eastridge // gentle climb along country lane – 1.8k, 69m, max 7% / cross Ermin Street onto B4000 signpost Lambourn / turn left signpost Lambourn // long sweeping descent into Lambourn / cross straight over junction onto Oxford Street, B4001 / continue on B4001, Wantage Road // gentle climb up onto gallops – 2.4k, 76m. max. grad. 4% / long sweeping descent / follow B4001 round bend signpost Wantage / turn left onto B4507, signpost Ashbury continue on B4507 / turn left, signpost Kingston Warren // demanding climb up Blowingstone Hill – 1.1k, 75m, max. grad. 18%+ // continue on lane / turn left onto B4001, signpost Childrey, Wantage // loop starts - gentle climb up onto gallops – 2.4k, 76m. max. grad. 4% / long sweeping descent / follow B4001 round bend signpost Wantage / turn left onto B4507, signpost Ashbury // rolling, winding road, tree lined and open downs sections / turn left up Dragon Hill Road // over cattle grid and steep climb up the hill – 1.2k, 101m, max. grad. 18% / after second cattle grid follow road right downhill / turn left onto B4507 / continue on B4507 to Ashbury / cross B4000 onto High Street, signpost Idstone / continue through Ashbury on Chapel Road / continue on Idstone Road / continue on Icknield Way through Bishopstone / continue onto Hinton Springs / continue onto Hinton Hill / turn left up Hatchett Hill // a decent climb at 1.7k, 86m, max. grad. 10% / continue straight at the Foxhill junction / slight rise up to B4192 / continue straight across onto The Ridgeway // rolling section descending to a good run out / straight over A346 / right onto Draycott Road / straight over mini-roundabout onto New Road / continue on Hodson Road / continue on B4005 / turn right onto Broome Manor Lane, signpost Hodson // sharp blind drop, short steep climb, then tight switchback / continue along Broome Manor Lane / 1st exit straight on at roundabout onto Marlborough Road / 3rd exit straight on at Pipers roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / 2nd straight on at mini-roundabout continuing on Marlborough Road / 2nd exit straight at mini-roundabout onto High Street / left onto Wood Street / FINISH <<